
Registering for Classes

New students entering in the fall are scheduled for classes during the summer; new students entering in the spring are scheduled for classes beginning late December. Continuing students schedule their classes for the next semester in the latter part of the current semester. Changes (add/drop) may be made to schedules at any time until the end of the fifth day of class.

The process of registration is as follows:

The Registrar sends out emails to students in mid-October for Spring Registration, and in Mid March for Fall Registration. These emails include student-specific information regarding how and when registration will occur and what steps must be taken prior to registering. Students are required to meet with their advisors each semester and complete an Advising Worksheet. Once a student's Advising Worksheet has been submitted to the Registrar's Office the student is cleared to register online. Students are then free to register online via Muskielink per the details in the email sent to them.

If a student doesn't meet the prerequiresites for a course, or if there is a time conflict between two courses, or if a course is closed (full), the student will not be able to register for the course(s) online. Typically students in this situation should seek enrollment in other courses. If for some reason the student feels the need to to seek a waiver of one or more of these conditions, s/he can pick up an Add/Drop form in the Registrar's Office and see if the relevant instructor(s) will sign the Add/Drop to waive the restriction.

Students without an established GPA, or those with under a 3.0 GPA are not permitted to take more than 17 hours in a single semester. If such a student wants to appeal to be able to take more than 17 hours, they may complete an Overload Petition.

Students with an established GPA of 3.0 or above are welcome to take up to 20 credit hours per semester. Except in the case of certain ensembles, there is an additional fee for taking 19 or 20 hours. Students taking 19 or 20 hours should discuss additional fees with the the Business Office.

Students are not permitted to enroll in more than 20 hours per semester.

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