
GPA Threshold Calculator

Enter the following information to determine what GPA you must earn in an upcoming semester in order to reach a target cumulative GPA.

  1. Your current GPA.
  2. Your total Grade Points (from your transcript).
  3. The hours you plan to take to try to reach your target GPA.
  4. The target GPA that you are trying to reach.

Once you've entered all the relevant information press "Calculate" to find out what GPA you must earn on the Hours Attempted in order to achieve the desired GPA.

GPA Threshold Calculator
Current GPA
Current Grade Points
Hours to Attempt
Desired GPA

For example:

My current GPA is 2.216 and my current Grade Points (from my transcript on MuskieLink) are 115.2. I plan to take 13 hours next semester, and I am trying to reach a 2.35 GPA. Enter that into the spaces provided and press calculate. It will tell you that you must earn a 2.886 in the upcoming semester to reach my target cumulative GPA of 2.35.

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