Campus Recreation

Club Sports

Club Sports operates under the guidance of the Office of Recreation and the Division of Athletics. Club Sports are a way for students to participate in different sports than those offered by the varsity program but compete at a higher level than Intramurals.

Club Sports Introduction

Club Sports operates under the guidance of the Office of Recreation and the Division of Athletics.  Club Sports are a way for students to participate in different sports than those offered by the varsity program but compete at a higher level than Intramurals.  Muskingum University and the Director of Athletic and Recreation Operations are excited about building our club sports program on campus.  We recognize that there is a population of students that club sports are able to serve that they may not find anywhere else on campus.  We also recognize the added healthy benefits clubs sports can off our student population.

New Club Sports Registration Information

To register a new club sport on campus, follow the steps below:

  1. Fill out the New Club Sports Registration Form.
  2. A meeting will be scheduled with you to go over your application.
  3. Presentation documents will be given to you.
  4. Schedule a presentation with the Director of Athletic and Recreation Operations.
  5. Approval will be determined by the Director of Athletic and Recreation Operations, VP of Athletics, and a representative from the Student Senate.

Club Sport

Current Club Sports



Spikeball is an original sport that combines the teamwork of volleyball, the hand-eye coordination of four square, and the physicality of a cardio workout. The two-on-two game is played with a small rubber ball and an elastic net stretched tight over a plastic rim.

Status & Standing:

Currently Inactive as it is in exploration standing.  We are trying to see if there is enough interest on campus to make this sport happen.


Currently no schedule.


Currently no roster.

Interest Form:

If interested in this sport please fill out the Spikeball Interest Form.

Contact Information:

For more information please contact Deven Siesel Director of Athletic and Recreation Operations.


Ultimate Frisbee


Ultimate is a non-contact, self-refereed team sport played with a flying disc (or Frisbeeā„¢). Two teams of seven players compete on a playing field about the same length as a football field, but narrower. At each end of the playing field, there is an end zone. Each team defends one endzone.

Status & Standing:

Currently Inactive as it is in exploration standing.  We had an ultimate frisbee team at one point and time and working to see if we can bring it back to campus.


Currently no schedule.


Currently no roster.

Interest Form:

If interested in this sport please fill out the Ultimate Frisbee Interest Form.

Contact Information:

For more information please contact Deven Siesel Director of Athletic and Recreation Operations.

Ultimate Frisbee

Current Club Sport Resources

Re-Registration Process
  1. Follow all instructions given by the Student Senate to be continue being recognized as an organization.
  2. Submit your most up-to-date roster to the Director of Athletic and Recreation Operations.
  3. Each member on the roster needs to submit and waiver to the Director of Athletic and Recreation Operations.
  4. Each team's president/captain/coach will receive an up-to-date Club Sports Manual.
  5. Submit the most up-to-date risk management plan to the Director of Athletic and Recreation Operations.
Active Roster Requirements & Guidelines

Membership Requirements

  1. Classified as a full-time, Muskingum University student.
  2. Students must be listed on the roster or roster updates given to the Director of Athletic and Recreation Operations by the club's leadership.
  3. Meet the minimum GPA set forth by Campus Recreation or if higher the club team's minimum GPA expectation and/or any outside governing bodies requires.
  4. Student conduct can also impact one's ability to be on a club team due to the representation club teams have of the University on and off-campus.  Each case will be handled on an individual case by case basis.

Participation Guidelines

Clubs may not cut anyone from their roster.  However, they may hold skill evaluations to determine the skills of those looking to participate.  They may also use them to determine team levels.  Should a club choose to utilize skill evaluations the below are the standards that must be followed:

  1. Evaluations must be open to all interested students who have completed any associated paperwork.
  2. Evaluation dates and times must be established and posted at least 24 hours in advance.  Campus Recreation should be notified of all skill evaluations prior to advertising for said evaluations.  Facility space must also be reserved through the proper channels.
  3. Any procedures, events, and/or activities associated with the evaluation process should also be documented clearly and communicated to all members clearly before the evaluation occurs.  Those judging skills must remain fair and impartial.  They must clearly document evaluations of each individual player to be able to justify decisions.
  4. All members must be informed of the outcomes of the evaluation(s) and any member requesting an explanation should receive one within 48 hours.
Status and Standings Classifications


A club sport will fall under one of two statuses.  A club sport is either active status or inactive status.  In order to reach Active status a club sport must meet the following requirements:

  1. Submit all necessary and required paperwork to the Director of Athletic and Recreation Operations.
  2. Submit all necessary and required paperwork to Student Senate on time to become a recognized student organization.
  3. Attend all meetings deemed mandatory by the Director of Athletic and Recreation Operations and/or Student Senate.
  4. Remain in good judicial standing as an organization.
  5. Maintain a roster size that meets the minimal amount to play said sport.

Standing Categories

  1. Good Standing - means that the club is in full cooperation with the university.  Teams in this category are good to meet, compete, travel, and receive funding.
    1. The club is current with their paperwork on file.
    2. The club meets standards for active status.
    3. The club has met all standards set forth by Student Senate.
    4. The club has few to no students in bad academic standing with the university.
  2. Probationary Standing - means that the club sport may be missing items or have a disruption between their organization and the University.  Teams in this standing may lose their ability to meet, compete, travel, and receive funding.
    1. The club is missing multiple paperwork submissions or several important submissions.
    2. The club is under disciplinary review.
    3. The club has had sanctions placed on them placing them in probationary status.
    4. The club has not met standards set forth by Student Senate.
    5. The club has most of its members in bad academic standing with the University.
    6. The club has less than the required number to play their specific sport.
  3. Conditional Standing - typically reserved for a team that is just starting out which has received approval to exist as a club sport on campus.  Can be used for teams in probationary status solely for a lack of numbers.  Teams in this standing may meet, compete, and travel, but generally will not receiving funding as this is a trial basis to see how the sport will operate and evaluate its potential longevity on campus.  Teams can be moved to good standing at the discretion of the Director of Athletic and Recreation Operations and/or the VP of Athletics if they meet all the standards under good standing.

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