Study Abroad

Universidad Blas Pascal

Córdoba, Argentina

Students must have at least sophomore standing with a 2.5 cumulative GPA and a command of Spanish to participate in this program. Some students will be required to attend an Intensive Spanish Language program at UBP before the start of the term.

Financial Responsibilities
Students pay tuition to their home institution. All financial aid and scholarships still apply. Students stay with carefully selected host families in Argentina, and costs vary depending on the services provided (laundry facilities, meals, outings, etc.). Currently the cost of room and board that you will be required to pay is $450 per month. In addition, students are responsible for funding their transportation to and from Blas Pascal, mandatory supplemental insurance at the host institution ($950), and any incidental costs such as school supplies or personal items. Student are also responsible for paying for the cost of their student visa ($50) and a reciprocity fee of $160.

Room and Board: 
Social life for Argentine students does not focus on campus, and for this reason students studying at Blas Pascal stay with host families. Living with native speakers will help students learn Spanish more quickly and understand Argentine culture, as well as form relationships outside the classroom. Students will eat meals with their host family. Argentina's cuisine enjoys the influence of a variety of European cultures, especially Spanish and Italian. Argentines use beef, pasta, and fish from their long coastline frequently in their cooking. The meals in Argentina are not as spicy as their neighbor's, using sweet peppers, onions, and tomatoes for flavoring rather than chilies. Grilling is the preferred method of cooking.

In general, all of the courses at Blas Pascal are given in two, ninety-minute sessions per week, entirely in Spanish. Some of the classes are complemented by additional activities such as movies, excursions, practicums, lab work, and other cultural activities. In addition, each student will be paired with an Argentine student, called a tutoría, who will serve as tutor and guide to help with adaptation to life in the new culture. The tutoría will help the student get acclimated to the city and assist him or her with daily life matters in Argentina.

About Universidad Blas Pascal: 
Universidad Blas Pascal is located in Córdoba, Argentina, in the center of the country. The purpose of this program is for the student to become part of the host family where he or she lives; to cultivate a social life in Argentina; and to actively participate in classes. The program incorporates many feel trips to promote understanding of Argentine culture.

Visit the official Universidad Blas Pascal website at For specific information about application procedures, click here.

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