Laudations is an online collection spotlighting the professional contributions faculty and staff make to their respective disciplines.
Applied Leadership
Henry Stanford, Associate Director of Applied Leadership and Assistant Professor of Leadership, contributed the chapter “Lived Experiences Within Collegiate Athletics: Black Male Student-Athletes and Mental Health” to the forthcoming book Black Male College Students’ Mental Health: Providing Holistic Support in Higher Education edited by Tryan L. McMickens and Robert T. Palmer (Routledge, 2024).
Dr. Stanford also published the article “I’m Done! The Impact of the Transfer Portal on Black Male Student Athletes,” in the Journal of Blacks in Higher Education.
Professor of History and Schwartz Faculty Scholar Laura Hilton was awarded a grant by the Ohio Holocaust and Genocide Memorial and Education Commission to bring Professor Valerie Hebert to campus for a public talk. Dr. Hebert has just published an edited collection, entitled Framing the Holocaust: Photographs of a Mass Shooting in Latvia, 1941. Her presentation will engage the Muskingum community in thinking about how we understand, analyze, and process shocking and/or violent images as we encounter them.
Political Science
Associate Professor of Political Science Richard Arnold published the article “Cossacks Provide a Source of Strength for Ukraine” in the Jamestown Foundations Eurasia Daily Monitor.
Dr. Arnold was also quoted in “Fact Check: Biden Blamed at RNC for Wars But How Much Sway Does a US President Have?” along with fellow international politics experts from Columbia University, New York University, and Tufts University.