Zook, Lois
Faculty & Staff

Lois Zook
-Environmental studies of water quality and the impacts of agricultural run-off on watersheds.
-Method validation, quality assurance, and calibration methods in analytical chemistry.
-Chemical education.
Dr. Lois Zook, Professor of Chemistry, joined the Muskingum faculty in 2002. She earned her ACS certified bachelor’s degree from Hiram College and her doctoral degree from the University of Iowa performing electrochemical research for fuel cell applications. As a post-doctoral fellow, she conducted voltametric and microscopy studies of fuel cell catalysts and membranes at Los Alamos National Laboratory. Dr. Zook just finished her second stint as Chemistry Department Chair and has served as the Director of the Environmental Science Program since 2005. She has won the Vernier Technology Award from the National Science Teachers Association, been recognized by the Muskingum Soil and Water Conservation District as their Conservation Educator of the Year and has been named a Believe in Ohio STEM Exemplar by the Ohio Academy of Science. The best thing about teaching at Muskingum for Dr. Zook is getting to see students transform from science students into scientists. That, and the great colleagues she gets to work with every day.