Earth Science
Earth Science (BS) major (25-26 hours in geology)
- GEOL 101 or 110, 104, 200, 220, 301, 302, 495
- Three from GEOL 303, 311, 313, 322, or GEOG 310
- One from GEOL 295 or 496
- CHEM 105 or 111
- GEOG 321
- One from MATH 140, 180, or 190
- PHEN 101 or 121
- PHEN 150
Earth Science minor (at least 17 hours)
- GEOL 101 or 110,
- GEOL 104
- GEOL 200
- two more GEOL courses at the 300-level
Teacher licensure
Earth Sciences or Integrated Sciences, grades 7-12. Contact the education department or the education department website for specific course requirements.