Our major in Public Relations focuses on strategic communication within a business or organization, blending theoretical knowledge of the field with its practical applications. You will become skilled in developing creative written, online, verbal, and visual messages connecting organizations and their public audiences.
Through your involvement with Orbit Media – our student-run FM-radio station, cable TV access channel, and newspaper – and with our intercollegiate Forensics Team and our Theatre Department productions, you will expand your oral communication, communication technology, and production capabilities.
- Hands-on experience in our Orbit Media outlets: WMCO 90.7 class A 1.32 KW FM radio station, Orbit Television Channel 9 cable access television channel, and The Black & Magenta newspaper.
- Intercollegiate Forensics Team competitions with other university students in Ohio and across the country.
- Stage performance and production experience through our Theatre Department.
- Original research in your area of interest: partner with faculty members to explore new aspects of the public relations field and its role today.
- Internship opportunities with businesses and non-profit organizations.
- Participate in networking events, workshops, seminars, conferences, and national competitions presented by key professional organizations in the public relations field.
You will enter the workforce ready to contribute your public relations abilities in a wide variety of settings. Our graduates find employment in public relations, marketing, advertising, and design agencies as well as within businesses and non-profit organizations.