Alumni & Friends

Reunion Awards

Download the Reunion Awards Ceremony Program.

Award Winner's Congratulations Videos


Click the pictures below to watch a video of and learn more about each award recipient.


Distinguished Service Awards

The Distinguished Service Awards recognize and honor alumni who have distinguished themselves through their professional endeavors and exemplary service to mankind.

jill headshot

Jill Schue Cuthbert `93

dotti headshot

Dorothy Caccamo Humm `67

Edward A. Pesicka

Edward A. Pesicka `89

jim Headshot

Jim Schmotter `69


Emerging Alumni Awards

The Emerging Alumni Awards recognize and honor alumni, who in the first 15 years of their careers, have made significant contributions to their profession and their world. 

allison headshot

Allison Avolio `06

sarah headshot

Sarah Anderson Goehrke `07

Nate headshot

Nathan Strum `06


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