International Business (Not Accepting New Majors)
International Business major (42-60 hours)
Core (33-53 hours, including at least 3 completed in an advisor-approved study abroad program)
- ACCT 201
- ECON 215, 216, 361
- BUSI 221, 241, 318 and 412
- HIST 320, 347, 348 or 351
- POLS 131 or 151
- IDIS 491
International business capstone course (senior seminar) to be taken after completion of FREN 240, SPAN 240, or GERM 340; ECON 215 and 216; and BUSI 221, 241, 318 and 412. Students are strongly encouraged to work with advisors to develop seminar topics/approaches that synthesize language and business skills.
Language Proficiency (3-19 hours)
a. For students whose native language is English: FREN 240, SPAN 240, or GERM 340: Business French/German/Spanish
b. For students whose native language is not English: ENGL 202
Electives (6-7 hours from the following, excluding courses used to fill requirements listed above):
- ACCT 202
- ANTH 201
- BUSI 326 or 411
- ECON 362
- ENGL 202
- GEOG 111
- HIST 320, 346, 347, 348, 353, 390;
- One from: POLS 131, 151, 331;
- An additional course in FREN, GERM, or SPAN excluding 123;
- IDIS 300 (approved by international business faculty advisor).
- RELG 393
- SOCI 350