Student Senate
Student Senate meets weekly on Tuesday nights at 8:00pm in the Chess Center, Room 304. The meetings are open to all undergraduate students and everyone is encouraged to attend.
Student Senate meets weekly on Tuesday nights at 8:00pm in the Chess Center, Room 304. The meetings are open to all undergraduate students and everyone is encouraged to attend. Student Senate voting members include students elected from classes, social clubs, residence areas, honoraries, and other special interest groups. The Senate Executive President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer are elected each Fall, and other representatives are elected each Spring.
Feel free to visit the Senate OrgSync page.
Student Senate Activities
Senate supports numerous student sponsored projects, programs and events. Student organization funding is supported through the budget allocation of Student Activity Fee funds. Other projects, such as the Disc Golf Course and the weekly Brewed Awakenings CoffeeHouse, are supported through activity fee funds from the general Senate budget.
Budget Allocation Guidelines can be found on OrgSync as well, and are given to the leaders of each organization at the beginning of the academic year. Several funding forms are available through the OrgSync forms list.
If there are questions about the funding guidelines or questions about funding in general, please contact the Senate Executive Officers at
Disc Golf Course
Muskingum University is home to its very own 9 hole disc golf course. The course lies on the East side of campus and is frequently used by students. Check out the map of the course below. Discs can be checked out at the Chess Center main desk.